Thursday, September 21, 2006

Genetic Engineering

WARNING : Gross.

Look at this shit, this fuckhole looks uglier than most illegal immigrants.

Hello world. Sorry for not blogging for quite a bit (as if you guys even bother,ergh), i wasnt really tied up with projects or sumthing, just been pure lazy, had this sudden obsession of watching fucking plants and potatoes grow. Nevermind that, so yea im back with more nonsense for the bored soul.

I visited a site (link), apparently the sell Bioengineered products, a pet that looks like half retarded, tailess, furless possum. Its fucking freaky at first, but i didnt quite believe it, but looking at the detailed content of the website, which also appeare to be professional, my poor mind was actually starting to believe it, its very convincing, trust me. After i Googled about it, it appeared to be an Art Project. So its hoax from the science perspective of it, but its pure genius as for concept as an artist. Read this once youre done reading the first link. According to the artist, it was just a mega project to see how would people react towards genetic engineering, as for me, i got brainfucked for a bit because

1. The creature is so freaky, i dont see a reason to call it a pet, the moment you see it moving, i swear i wanna whack the shit outta that little fucker fella.
2. It looks like a toyol.
3. Its just fugly, like bluek.
4. It's against God's will (well not quite for me) on a general perception.
5. It's a Rowan Atkinson fetishist

So this shit got me thinking, if we have full control over genetic engineering, we can make cool shit stuff out of the technology, correct me if im wrong, im no biology savvy. If only we could mix and match animals in the future, it'll be fun, like fuckin fun. You log on to a site, get your arse registered and start making little freaky buggers by mix matching various species of animals. Give it a week for them to engineer it, get it collected and voila! A new species named after your grandmother or call it 'my little freaky potatofuckface' for that matter.

Lets see what we can make out of this 'dream on' technology.

Ingredients :
1/4 dog
3/4 duck

Characteristics/Physical appearance : Looks like a duck, just like a normal duck in your chinese granpa's house, but it barks and bites juicy robber's arses. Ideal for guarding and fooling crooks.

Ingredients :
1/4 fish
3/4 cat

Characteristics/Physical appearance : Normal cat with fish tail, damn this gonna be fun watching it trying to eat its own tail thinking its a fish, retarded as fuck. Now thats one BIG indentity crisis. This is pure fun, ideal for weed smoking monkeys to laugh at.


1/2 Homosapien (human; an Indonesian male)
1/2 Pongo pygmaeus (orangutan)

Characteristics/Physical appearance: Thats not gonna make much difference, does it? Next!


1/2 Parrot (for colors)
1/2 Homosapien

Characteristics/Physical appearance: And again i dont think this is really necessary, we have Chinese ah bengs with hair colored like fuckin parrots, love to shoot one of those rare species.

Thats all i could think of now, drop a comment on your ideal engineered creatures.


Friday, September 01, 2006


A yeti.

Site on hiatus till further notice. Cheers
